Audio Mastering: before and after examples by Mastermallow

Audio Mastering: before and after examples by Mastermallow
Photo by Andy Makely /

Are you looking for a professional audio mastering service that can transform your tracks into polished and powerful productions? Do you want to hear the difference that high-quality mastering can make to your music? If so, you've come to the right place!

In this post, we'll show you some examples of before and after mastering, so you don't need to believe us, hear it for yourself.

Before and after mastering examples

To illustrate the difference that mastering can make, we've prepared some before and after examples for you to listen to. These are real songs, podcasts and video audios mastered here in Mastermallow. You can use the sliders to compare the original mixes with the mastered versions, and hear how much improvement there is.

Example 1: Metal song

This song had a good mix, but it lacked some clarity, punch, and loudness.

Mastermallow's AI used EQ to enhance the low end and cut some mud from the midrange, it also used compression to make the drums more powerful and consistent. It added some excitement and saturation to make the guitars more crunchy and bright and some limiting to increase the overall level and make it competitive with the industry standard.



Mastering is not only for music

It can also improve the sound quality of other types of audio content, such as podcasts and YouTube videos. Whether you are a podcaster, a YouTuber, or a content creator, mastering can help you deliver a better listening experience to your audience. Mastering can make your voice more clear and intelligible, reduce background noise and hum, enhance the tone and mood of your content, and make it more consistent and loud.

Let's jump into examples for podcasts and youtube videos:

Example 2: Podcast

To show how Mastermallow works and how it can adapt not just to different styles of music but to completely different audio categories, here is a podcast before and after example.  

As you can hear, the audio is quiet, dull, and uneven. The voice sounds muffled and distant, and overall, as I tried to listen to this exact podcast in my car, it was simply not possible to hear everything clearly because  the audio lacks clarity, presence, and energy. At the end I had to listen to some music.

Don't let that happen to your podcast



Example 3: Youtube video audio

And finaly the video audio mastering session that can make you sound professional and grant more viewers or subscribers to your channel. If you need some more information on why audio mastering is so important for youtube creators, you'll find it in our post : How to sound like a pro on Youtube



Ready to get started?

If you are ready to get started, click the button below to upload your files and place your order. You'll be amazed by the difference that our audio mastering service can make to your music. Don't miss this opportunity to take your tracks to the next level!

Master my track now!

And for our first 5 paying subscribers who got here, we have a special promo code for an extra free session